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Lazulite Tumble

Regular price
$12.00 NZD
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Sale price
$12.00 NZD

Lazulite comes from the Arabic wordLazaward, which means heaven.

Other names for Lazulite include Klaprothine, Azure Spar, and Blue Spar.

Lazulite will help you strike a balance between the various chakras in your body. It will also help you maintain your peace of mind.

This crystal will increase your powers of focus and concentration. It will infuse you with positive, uplifting spiritual energies.

Lazulite meanings and properties

Lazulite will give plenty of insights and help you find the answers that you seek about life and love.

This crystal will give you peace, increase your self-respect, maintain your balance in life, and relieve the tension in your body.

This crystal will show you how you can draw in pure universal energies and stimulate your intuition.

Lazulite will strengthen your sense of balance and your life’s cosmic alignment.

It will also induce you with incredible states of bliss!


Lazulite will encourage you to say the things that you can’t say. It will help you speak out your truth and release your unspoken words.

It will also encourage you to receive channeled information and to promote telepathic sending.

When you place Lazulite on your third eye chakra, you will be able to create your peaceful and serene self.