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Maori Healing Remedies ~ Riley Murdoch

Regular price
$39.00 NZD
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$39.00 NZD

A useful book of time-tested Maori herbal therapies, whether for arthritis, headaches, insect bites, rheumatism, skin complaints, sore throats, sprains, wounds e.t.c. Page headings for over 30 ailments. Identifying photos of many of the N.Z plants used. Rongo is traditional Maori medicine. Herbal Remedies were used to cure or alleviate illnesses with New Zealand native plants along with physical techniques and spiritual healing. The Maori people believed that if you got sick it was because of evil spirits, like breaking tapu (rules) they would get ill. The Tohunga (priest) would use karakia (ancient rites) to talk to the mate atua (divine in origin) and release the spirits from the ill person. In conjunction with the spiritual healing herbal remedies (drinks, poultices, or lotions), heat, massage, blood-letting, plant sap on wounds and manipulation were also used. Still to this day these techniques are used alongside other medicines. Beautiful identifying photos of many N.Z plants such kawakawa, harakeke(flax), kowhai, manuka are used in this book to treat such things as asthma, bruising, skin complaints, rheumatism, influenza etc.